
Parent Informational Meeting Title 1 9-23-2022

A meeting was held on 9-23-2022 for parents to review the School Improvement Plan and parent involvement. Awards ceremony was also held to celebrate the students achievements.  Many organizations attended including Kenny Smooth from 92Q. United Way celebrated one of our students. TN Transition, Top Tracks, and Juvenile Justice Department, Conexcion Americas, and A Action Air HVAC were also in attendance.  It was a great night for all.  If you missed this event see all information under Title 1 Documents located on the Families tab.

What is Title 1?

Title 1 is a federally funded program whose purpose is to ensure that ALL children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain high quality education. Title 1 is one program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. There are several components or programs of Title 1.

Example: The purpose of Tennessee's federally funded Title 1, Part A Program is to support local districts, improve teaching and learning for students in high-poverty schools so that these students meet the state's challenging content and performance standards. 

Title 1 Meeting 

Title 1 allows students who are experiencing academic difficulty, to receive extra help and individual attention during the school day.

2022 Annual Title 1 Parent Informational Meeting

Title 1 Admin